
Showing posts from November, 2018

Meet Sheryl

Meet Sheryl:  She is an artist. She has a loving husband, family and friends. She is loving and generous in heart. She has Alzheimer’s and her story is worth your time. My sister, Sheryl, was diagnosed with Young Onset Alzheimer’s January 30, 2013. She was exhibiting symptoms of memory loss and we began consulting with a neurologist, trying to figure out what was going on. By process of elimination and the fact that all of her symptoms lined up, she finally received this life changing diagnosis. Let me clarify Early Onset and Young Onset. Young Onset has to do with the age symptoms appear, and that it is diagnosed before 65. Early Onset, means you are in the early stages of Alzheimer’s. Alzheimer’s is not an easy journey, it is fraught with the pain of watching someone you love lose themselves and everything that makes them unique. It is painful for family and friends to witness the decline and as her sister, I can admit to feeling ripped off of my big s...