Tammy Nordstrand is One Of A Kind

Tammy Nordstrand photo by Annie Uyehara Tammy Nordstrand By Annie Uyehara It goes without saying that no two people are alike. Yet when it comes to deaf people, there’s an assumption that all deaf people are alike. That’s simply not so, says Tammy Nordstrand. She was diagnosed as profoundly deaf when she was a year old. “Everyone is different,” Tammy says. “It’s like with eyeglasses, we all wear different prescriptions, we all see differently. It is the same with deaf people, we all have different needs and do things differently---some people only sign, others write on paper to communicate, others speak.” Those with profound hearing loss can hear nothing at all. However, Tammy, 48, had speech therapy throughout her life and speaks as well as signs and hearing aids help her hear loud sounds. “I grew up with a hearing family,” says Tammy over a Zoom interview with the aid of Erin Gallimore, an interpreter and a teacher with credentials to work with those with hearing challenges. Tammy’s ...