Adam Lavender and his dog. photo by Annie Uyehara MODS4QUADS By Annie Uyehara “I knew it before I hit the ground,” says Adam Lavender, recalling the day he became a quadriplegic 8 years ago. He was mountain biking with friends, happy, but tired. He negotiated a turn wrong on the course and found himself vertical in the air. His head hit the ground like a hammer to a nail. The impact broke the C4 in his neck. The only thing that kept him alive was thinking of his wife and two daughters. “I began working to live right then,” he says. His goal is to be bodily fully functional. Susan Leety, a healing science friend of Lavender, saw his passion, not only to recover himself, but to help others as well. One day, she watched Adam talking to another person with a spinal cord injury (SCI). “I saw an instant connection, like they were long lost friends [sharing] such a rich ex-change of information, comparing their experience and recovery, teaching and learning so much from each other. I kne...
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